Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Medici Ermete..and Alessandra...6 years later!

It was July 2nd, 2010 when we last signed the guest book with Jim and Christine Jordan at the acetaia...home of 25 year old balsamic vinegar.  Alessandra remembered us and gave us a wonderful repeat performance for Jon and Ann! 

On this trip, we had time to visit their winery and enjoy Lambrusco Frizzante. Jon and Ann finally understood why we tend to carry wine home with us.,.bottles cost between 4 and 5 Euros ($5), yet were delicious! Believe it or not..we showed restraint and only bought 12 bottles between the 4 of us.... Really, that took restraint!

Then being sent by recommendation to a lunch where home made ravioli was the house specialty, along with culatello .,. we were blessed!

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