Monday, June 27, 2016

Rifugio Menaggio...revisited!

About an hour straight up and you're there! This picture is taken after you've done the steep climbing up through the trees on narrow, rock covered terrain. ( remember, you can always click on any photo to see it larger)
When you arrive, the view of the lake, and Bellagio is spectacular, especially on such a clear day.
Of course, after you arrive, the first lesson you want to take is "Selfies 101"

Then you realize everyone pretty much speaks English and everyone believes they are professional we give them a chance.

Peggy proceeded to carry on a bit further to take some photos looking into Switzerland!

Jon and Ann took this opportunity to wander the streets of Menaggio, and thoroughly enjoyed themselves as well. Alas, it was time for us to hike back down and enjoy the drive to lower elevations. This was one of the clearest skies we've seen in a long time!


  1. Scenery looks beautiful!! What a perfect day.

    Still need to practice your selfie game a bit, but you're getting there.

  2. Good call on the asking for help for a photo--nice to see the bottoms of your faces as well as the tops of your heads.
