Thursday, July 21, 2016

Home sweet home and Bella!

Sam faithfully collected us at Oakland,  just after a clear, sky high view of San Francisco! A reasonable night sleep and a joyful reunion with little doggie.  I think she was slightly excited to see us. Or was Peggy more excited to see her?  Hmmmm.

As we wrap up the 5 weeks with a few short comments, it's fun to look back on some Top Moments.

Here are our Top 3:
*** Perfect Bites: Enoteca's Tomato "Soup", San Giorgio's Melted Cheese with Black Truffle, Everything at Hisa Franko!
***Amazing Hikes: Mount Sija in Bled, Slovenia, Refugio Venini in Lake Como, and Monte Baldo in Valpolicella
***Events (besides my phone freezing for 3 weeks): Front Row, Tennis Court reserved seats for Fireworks at the San Giovanni Festival on Lake Como, Walking on the Walking Piers of Lake Iseo on the Final Day of the exhibit, Soaking at the Japanese Spas in the suburbs of Stockholm!
***Laughs: Arriving at the wrong Oslo Airport (thankfully 6 hours early so we could climb aboard a 2 hour busride and make it on time to the correct airport), Have a most convenient bathroom on board our floating hotel in Stockholm, where the toilet was directly under the shower, and using anyones directions to navigate the streets of try it!

The time with Jon and Ann was a gift from the Lord, and our other 3 weeks brought us closer to Him and to each other.  God is good all the time!  Ciao for now...,and many blessings to all of our loved ones who carried us in prayer and communication throughout our trip!

Gubitz Summer 2016 Blog... over and out!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Heading out of vacation mode :(

Thought we needed a photo of the exterior of our beverage establishment and the main walking street in Gamla Stan.

Now that we've arrived at the Stockholm airport,  Arlanda, and as a result of the Norwegian Airline business class at economy class priced tickets, we're  able to enjoy their lounge.  Peggy is straddling both worlds,  still watching the Tour,  but also reading her first paper with U.S. news. 

Our Last Morning on board the Malardrottningen.

Translated Queen of Lake Malaren, this boat is beautifully positioned and reasonably comfortable for a few day port of call to Stockholm.  The bathroom was the winner in the convenience category with the shower nicely positioned directly over the toilet.
Breakfast was well stocked and the topside bar had cold beers. After the first night twin bed fiasco,  we loved our time on board,  and it is with a bit of sadness that we say ahoy for now!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Live blues and the almost full moonrise.

After a great Swedish dinner,  we walked our way back to Gamla Stan and our favorite Irish pub. ..3 nights in a row makes it our favorite.  Last night was live Irish music and tonight. .Live blues! On our walk home, the almost full moon treated us to its glory!

Drinks with a view and world famous Swedish meatballs!

We finally indulged in the Swedish  meatball required food group, along with the aquavit corollary,  but not until we enjoyed beverages from the 26th floor.

Island walking. 8.1 miles

Wonderful, cool but sunny weather and walking around Stockholm's many islands was a perfect way for our last full vacation day to kickoff. A little coffee,  then a little bratwurst, and throughout,  people watching.

Monday, July 18, 2016

New Friends from Sydney and Cleveland!

A Viking oriented dinner and great Irish pub music made for excellent opportunities to meet new friends.  First,  folks on  a 3 year holiday from wealth management in Sydney are living in Fiesole, Italy near Florence.  Amazingly,  the same little village overlooking Florence that Jim and Christine love! I'm hoping to make a connection with them and Todd Petersen.

Great folks and great family!  Then we went to our now favorite Irish Pub for live music and we met a Cleveland couple with an "The" Ohio State Buckeye shirt.  They are doing everything they can to get out of the Cleveland convention  craziness. They love Croatia,  so who knows what the future will bring.

It was midnight and still a bit light out with a sweet looking moon when we arrived back at our yacht. 

Yasuragi Spa Day!

Peggy's big idea for the day was to go out of town about 30 miles to an outdoor spa.  She is brilliant! Lovely surroundings,  great sushi lunch,  amazing indoor and outdoor pools,  hot tubs and saunas,  and a great rate for "seniors".. She finagled a face treatment as well. ..

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Alfred Nobel wins the prize!

The nicest casual dinner spot was in the Nobel Museum courtyard.  A woman was singing opera for the crowd and craft appetizers and cocktails were being enjoyed on the outdoor patio. By craft appetizers, I mean raw elk inside fried artichoke leaves.  We had a fun evening wandering some more in old town Stockholm.  And it's still light out at 10:30.

Gamla Stan, Stockholm. ..and the yacht!

We finally arrived just before midnight to be told the only room left had bunk beds...yeah! Today they upgraded us to a larger double bed suite like room for the remaining 3 nights.  The location is perfect and breakfast on board was excellent. ..and no water or wave effect,  thankfully! We are a few hundred yards from the oldest part of town and the nicest churches.  Walked just under 6 miles today getting our city feel and had the best burger in months!