Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Walking to dinner!

A lovely night and a fine recommendation from our host, Alberto Brunelli, and we found dal Nane...the restaurant was right behind that church!

A beautiful outdoor patio...
 They served a special appetizer...culatello with melon...amazing, and it tasted delicious, and very familiar!
 Their home made pasta was a throwback to Peggy's pappardelle with veg.
 And they served caramelized beef cheeks...even I agree they were awesome! I think the only reason I ate the cheeks was due to carmelization. Duh!
Then the chocolate "salami"..in slices and filled with hazelnuts and almonds. They went great with a half bottle of local Amarone. We had to channel our inner Jeff to get through 2/3rds of this..but it was worth it!
Our walk home included a lightning show for 20 minutes. There's a short video clip I can't seem to attach...(times I wish I had Sean's skills!)

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